Samaritans send out invite to brew up and meet for Brew Monday campaign

Vic Reeves supports Brew MondayVic Reeves supports Brew Monday
Vic Reeves supports Brew Monday
Enjoy a cuppa with others and beat the post Christmas blues.

You can help others on ‘Blue Monday’, considered the most difficult day of the year, by getting together for a friendly cuppa and raising funds for Samaritans to provide emotional support, say volunteers in Milton Keynes. The charity is declaring January 15 Brew Monday and asking friends, neighbours and work colleagues to help Samaritans Milton Keynes by taking time for a cuppa and a chat.

A spokeswoman for the charity said: “Here at Milton Keynes Samaritans we are hoping people will support Brew Monday and get together for a cuppa and a chat, and make a donation too.

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“Isolation and loneliness are among the main reasons people contact Samaritans. Joining up and having tea with someone can provide a lift when dark days, cold weather, broken resolutions and credit card bills may otherwise take centre stage.”

Brew MondayBrew Monday
Brew Monday

Comedian Vic Reeves, backing the campaign, said: “I love nothing more than a good brew, so Brew Monday is a great excuse to do that and catch up with your nearest and dearest.”

The Milton Keynes branch will be holding an event at Central Railway Station on Monday, January 15, offering sets of tea bags to be shared on a tea break with a friend, family, colleague or anyone you invite.

Whatever you’re going through, you can call Samaritans free any time from any phone on 116 123. This number is free and will not appear on your phone bill, email [email protected], or visit to find details of your nearest branch. Public donations and more than 20,000 trained volunteers mean Samaritans is always there for anyone struggling to cope. To donate visit ‘Blue Monday’ is the name often used for the third Monday in January, dubbed ‘the most depressing day of the year’, with dark days, cold weather, broken resolutions, and credit card bills to pay.

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